
Documents for Bentley Woods Homeowners Association in pdf format for your use as well as important FAQs


Rules and Guidelines

Coming Soon

HOA Forms

Coming Soon

Deed Restrictions

Department of Economic Opportunity Letter

This is the DEO letter that authorized our revitalized DCCR for the community. Click here for a copy.

Declaration of Convenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCCR)

This is the Revitalized DCCR for the community. Click here for a copy.

Bylaws & Articles

Coming Soon

Join Our Mailing List

Give us your contact details and receive HOA information digitally.

Digital Acceptance

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Frequently Asked Questions

These are frequently asked questions that the Board at Bentley Woods HOA gets asked. Please feel free to contact us if your question is not answered here.

How much is the yearly assessment?

The yearly HOA assessment is currently $265 per residence. This is discussed yearly and voted on by the board and is subject to change.

What is a “Special Assessment”?

A special assessment is an additional homeowner assessment to all homeowners, in the event our BWHOA faces an unexpected financial situation that was not planned for in our budget and operating funds.

How do I pay my HOA assessment?

You can pay your assessment by mailing a check to our bookkeeping firm at BWHOA, P.O. Box 915002, Longwood, Florida 32791. We hope to have EBT available in the future. Cash is not preferred, however, if there are extenuating circumstances, it will be accepted by our HOA treasurer.

I have an issue. Who do I contact?

We want to hear your concerns! Please visit the Board page to contact any member or fill out the form on the Contact page.

I want to make a regulated change to my property. How do I notify the board?

Thank you for helping to keep our neighborhood looking great. Please visit the Contact page and fill out the form. We will be in touch shortly.

I want to get involved. How do I join the board?

We would love to have you! We vote in a board yearly at the annual meeting, but please fill out the contact form so we can discuss how you can help.

When is the next board meeting?

The board meets regularly throughout the year, with meetings posted on the neighborhood sign and here on the website. We also have two larger meetings every year, typically in December and January. Board meetings are open to any homeowner wishing to attend. However, only board members have voting rights. Watch the website for more information, or sign up for emails to get news to your inbox.

Contact Us

Below are some ways to contact the Bentley Woods HOA Board

Bentley Woods HOA
c/o Gale Hoover-Richmond
2426 Dresden Trail
Apopka, FL 32712