The Bentley Woods HOA is meant to represent the interests of every homeowner in the neighborhood. It only makes sense for homeowners to speak up, volunteer, and get involved. After all, this is home for all of us!

The board of the HOA welcomes input from all residents. Here are a few ways you can get involved.


There are many needs of the neighborhood throughout the year. It might be decorating for the holidays, participating in a clean up when we work on the front entrance, or something else! If you’re willing to lend a hand—especially if you’re an able-bodied young person!—we would absolutely love to connect. We need all the help we can get.

Come to a meeting

The HOA has two big meetings a year. We truly encourage all homeowners to come, listen, and participate. It’s your neighborhood, and it’s great to know what’s going on. The board is also open to any and all feedback you might have. We won’t know if you don’t speak up! If you truly can’t attend, please participate via proxy. And, don’t forget, you’re always welcome to attend the regular meetings. They are publicized on the board at the front.

Join the board

The Bentley Woods HOA board is a volunteer board. Some residents have been serving for many years. We want all viewpoints and ideas, and we welcome new members! You do not need any specific background or training. Outgoing board members are happy to assist. We appreciate your service! 

Have another idea? Share it! Please use the contact forms—or stop by to chat—to reach any board member. Maybe you want to start a committee or plan an event. Let’s do it! We look forward to making Bentley Woods and even better place to live with you.